Clean Roads, Clean Communities
We believe roadways are the community’s front porch for economic growth and development. Our distinct and proven approach to both litter and employment will help your community reduce costs, improve roadways and change lives! We serve states, cities, HOAs and businesses throughout the country.
Litter Collection Totals
Since 2019, we have collected more than 144,000 bags of litter totaling over 4,000,000 pounds! Every 20 seconds, we are removing a pound of trash from interstates and highways. Our dedicated and trained workers have made our roads safer and the community better through their continual efforts. We have collected enough bags of litter to:
- To reach from Sacramento to San Francisco.
- To reach outer space.
- To reach farther than 144 cruise ships lined up end to end.
- To extend taller than 297 Empire State buildings.
About Us
Positive Economic Impact
Cleaner roads attracts businesses to the area and provides a safer commute for their employees. 36% of businesses state that litter would be one of the reasons for not relocating to an area. By removing litter and debris, we create a positive business environment.
Beautiful Communities
Removing litter and debris promotes healthier streams and rivers, prevents flooding, and restores our natural landscapes.